Well NG I've been away for a while counting my chickens as they hatch. For those of you who enjoy my music, I'll be continuing to work on new lyriks to post on NG beats. Although i've been a bit finiky on what to post due to state papers and the whole internet is watching you thing( I think my P.O. caught sum of my music on reverb, been jerkin me since) I for the most part have just said fuck it. I'm make what the fuck I wanna make. It's goona be free because it has a great message and needs to be heard (I would never taint my music) . And fuck you if you hate me for that. So If producers are exited about getting the word out then we can get alot of exposure. I know who likes to work with me, so I'ma fux wit them. If you wanna hit up a track then get at me. As for internet drama....grow up. I left here for a while because of people acting like kids, I figure I should come back and keep spittin education cuz its needed badly. By the way, I'm in East Brainerd always, I work at Lenny's in the morning and Lupi's at night, I'm walkin up gunbarrel morning and mid-day. Just in case you felt like rollin through Chatt to the 33rd degree.
u should write some articles and try to sell them to the newpaper.
you should stop banging your sister, and take care of that hair lip.